17 nov 2013

The Kennedy Lie

!Por la Revolución de las Ideas!

After 50 years of President Kennedy’s assassination nothing has changed, and, of course, nothing will change as long as the lie surrounding the assassination is kept being sold to the world and the American people. The fact that there are documentaries and people who are keepers of the Warren Commission brings no hope to ever finding out the truth behind the assassination. The fact that evidence which clearly establishes that Oswald did not act alone and that perhaps did not even fire the shots that killed the President is something which raises many questions today.

The government through the Warren commission in record time established that Oswald acted alone and that there was no more to speculate regarding the president’s death. This conclusion could have been accepted by everyone if Oswald had not been killed by Ruby, and, of course, by Ruby’s action, the truth was killed for ever.

The fact that Oswald did not get a fair trial, and that at any moment during his detainment he was offered an attorney to protect his basic rights is something that still raises many questions. Why were the authorities so quick to establish Oswald as the only person behind the assassination without investigating further? The answer to that question we will never be known since Ruby killed Oswald. Why was Ruby granted access to the police headquarters where Oswald was killed? The official answer to this question is that Ruby knew many police officers in Dallas and that’s why he was there. Furthermore, Ruby was sold as a mad man who was furious because Oswald Killed the President and that his actions were in revenge for Lee’s acts. Too many coincidences……… to be true.

Those who argue that conspiracy theories are ridiculous because there is nothing to conspire about since Oswald acted alone are really pathetic and ironic. The conspiracy theories have been brought to the public opinion mainly due to the way the government handled the case and how most of the crucial evidence has disappeared. Where did the President’s brain go to? Why did the President’s head move in the opposite direction from where Oswald apparently shot the President? Why were many unfriendly foes of the late President Kennedy appointed to the Warren Commission? Why was the motorcade route changed so that it could go through the deadly section of the school book depository? Why was the speed reduced so that President was a sitting duck for any shooter to kill him? Many who support the government’s version will call me another conspiracy theorist, but these questions have been made by many who have analyzed this case thoroughly and have found the Warren report an excellent way to cover up the real facts.

Who wanted the President dead and why the conspiracy to cover up his death is something all Americans and the world hopes one day are resolved. To date, it has become clearer who could have been interested in getting John F. Kennedy out of the way. Although some theories are really absurd, there are a few which really have the right path. One that has caught my attention during many years is the one that points at corporate, political, intelligence and mafia interests which came together to plan the presidents death. Who exactly gave the order, and for what reasons, is still to be known. Nevertheless, the version that Oswald acted alone is as absurd as believing that Ruby was a vigilante who wanted to be known as the man who killed the President’s killer.

There are many unsolved questions, not because there are insane people who see things where they should not see them, but because the facts presented by the Warren commission are so controversial that they have opened the door for doubt. The fact that ever year there are documentaries that support the Warren commission’s version is another sign of how anxious the keepers of the government’s version are to discredit the real facts and truth behind the Kennedy assassination.

Finally, we may never know the truth of what happened 50 years ago in Dallas, but we all hope one day someone will be brave enough to finally shed light into what really happened that tragic day in Dallas. The lie of the Kennedy assassination is still strong and alive, and only time and brave men will put an end to the lie. As they say, there is nothing that can be hidden between heaven and earth and the Kennedy case is one example of that. No matter how hard they try, the truth will prevail to bring justice to the memory of President Kennedy and his Family.
Cristhian Mancera Mejia

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