3 ago 2011

President Obama, Against the ropes.

On the Revolution of Ideas!

As the August 2nd deadline for Congress to reach an agreement on the debt came to an end, an agreement was reached on how to reduce the deficit and how to pay the enormous debt. What caught my attention was not that the agreement was reached between Congress and the White House. What surprises me is that Congress has become a boxing ring, where no one wants to let the other win, even if one of the contenders has good ideas. Sometimes I have said that I do not support the left or any of its ideas, but in this case I have to say that the attitude on the Republican’s side to put obstacles on President Obama’s agenda has reached its limit. I have disagreed with President Obama’s policies, but in this moment of crisis we need to stand together and push this forward to finally see the light. 

It’s clear that Obama needs to take a stronger position on many issues; he has to move forward on immigration reform, cut high military spending, create more jobs, impose more regulations on corporations that have taken over the country destroying the middle class, and continue to raise taxes on the rich, who have enough money already and who need to sacrifice more in order to push America on the right direction. Obama has seemed very soft on many issues, but he also has many good ideas that need support. It’s true that he may not be a great president, but it’s also true that the Republicans have made every effort to make him fail in his effort to pull America from the gutter it was left in.

Sometimes it would seem that the President is against the ropes, no one seems to see that the only way we can move forward is standing together. We have to push for renovating ideas which is one of the founding principles of this website. If President Obama has a good idea, then let’s support him and turn that idea into something that can benefit all Americans and everybody who lives in this great nation. The absurd and low act of delaying an agreement simply because the White House insisted on raising taxes on the rich is totally unfair and selfish with the rest of the country. If for one side it’s true that the rich provide jobs, its true on the other hand that the middle class make the rich who they are. If there’s no middle class, then who will the rich make the money from? The Chinese? I don’t think so! I want to make clear that I have deep disagreements with the left and their policies, but it doesn’t mean that I will put a blind eye to something that is putting the United States on the verge of destruction. 

Putting President Obama against the ropes only benefits him in the long run. I really don’t know who advises the Republicans, but saying “no” to things that are in the benefit of everyone is committing political suicide, and as I said before, it will only benefit President Obama when reelection time comes around. I don’t agree with putting the president against the ropes because although I disagree with him, I don’t think good ideas should be destroyed, no matter what political tendency has that idea. I believe that ideas move the world and good ideas will put this country back on its feet. We can’t continue this absurd fight between the left and the right. Congress has to realize that it’s time to put an end to this and move forward into more bipartisan governing. I wonder, if Obama was white, would he get the same level of resistance that he gets now? That would be interesting to see, wouldn’t it? I don’t think it’s a matter of race, but Republicans do sure make a good job to show it’s all about race!

All in all, I hope the right understands that this constant fighting only benefits the Democrats and the President. It’s time to stand together respecting the differences, but not destroying ourselves. President Obama has to show he is strong, show what he is made of and stop this constant soft talk which is even annoying his own supporters. Mr. President, it’s time to show that you are that change you promised. If not, it’s time to start packing because it seems the heat was too strong for you. You have good ideas, so put them out there for the American people to decide, but don’t continue to give in to your enemies on issues that all Americans agree, whether they are Democrats or Republicans. We need a strong president and so far we haven’t seen this from you, Sir. 

All in all, whether Obama continues against the ropes depends strictly on him, so let’s hope we can move forward and stand together on what we need to stand together. Republicans need to stand down and focus on what really needs attention, otherwise come November not even Republicans will vote for a Republican, if this absurd fight continues.

Cristhian Mancera Mejia

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