For some time Colombia has been trying to reach a peace treaty within the civil war it has been fighting with Gorilla rebels. These gorilla rebels, better known as FARC, ELN and BACRIM (criminal gangs) represent the illegal forces Colombia has been trying to defeat. Unfortunately, it has been an impossible mission. During the government of Alvaro Uribe, a lot was done to achieve the goal of defeating these rebels, and surely the government of Uribe did what it was elected to do; Destroy FARC, ELN and PARAMILITARY groups. The job of destruction began by taking out key leaders of these illegal organizations, or better known as terrorists groups. Nevertheless these groups continue to exist due to the repeated support of certain governments of the region, like Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who although denies supporting these groups, there’s evidence that says he is one of the main reasons why during the Uribe Presidency these rebels managed to continue their absurd war against the Colombian people.
Many reasons have allowed the war in Colombia to continue, and in this article, I will try to sum up those reasons for those who do not live in Colombia and do not understand the truth behind the Colombian conflict. This conflict has been around for more than 50 years, and today the worst part about it is that drugs have become a key ally for these rebels, whose only objective is to destroy Colombia and its people. The ideology used to support this absurd war is the extreme left, and the radicals who still believe that communism is an effective way of government, when it is clear that it is a total failure. The right and the left have been at war for a long time in Colombia, and that has led to a war that shows no mercy and seems to have no ending.
Today, that war has gone from political rivalry to guerrilla groups. These guerrilla groups fight to control certain territories, and to control the exporting of cocaine to the USA and Europe. Farc has no ideology, this group in particular has dedicated itself to kill innocent people, destroy entire towns and villages, massacre and torture people with no mercy, and the worst part of all , they kidnap people who never return to their homes because most of the times they are killed and returned in body bags. Sometimes they don’t even return the bodies, but do charge the ransom. Is this what FARC calls fighting for the people? Is killing the people they fight for the way to change things in Colombia? I don’t think so!
Ending the Colombian conflict starts by destroying farc and its allies, whether they are armed allies or political allies, they must be destroyed. One special ally FARC has is Piedad Cordoba, She is always asking for mercy towards Farc, and money for her foundation. There’s no doubt she is an ally of this terrorist group and she is far from being a peace fighter. She lost her post as a Senator due to the fact that she has collaborated with this terrorist organization; she has even supplied classified information when she was a Senator about the armed forces of Colombia and covert operations against Farc. This behavior led to her impeachment as a Senator, which Colombia celebrated as if the whole country had won the world cup.
Even though there’s hard evidence linking Cordoba with Farc, she continues to support this terrorist organization, and her party has not yet removed her from their collective body. We ask ourselves; what is this party waiting to expel this woman, who clearly is an ally of terror? It is clear that this ally of terror should be removed from this party at once.
No matter what Colombians do to exterminate FARC and the other terrorists groups, nothing seems to work thanks to people like Cordoba and Chavez, who aid FARC in their absurd leftist fight for power in Colombia. Cordoba is just the tip of the ice berg, she is Farc’s foreign affairs minister, but the worst part is that these individuals know they are killing people, they know they are destroying lives, but they don’t seem to care and even worse, there are people in the world who actually believe that these terrorists are freedom fighters. They are no freedom fighters; they are terrorists and must be destroyed. Colombia must surrender these felons to justice at any cost, and there’s no doubt that a strong hand is necessary. Many efforts have been made to destroy FARC and ELN, but we cannot allow that these terrorists and their allies to regain power and strength, because no effort in destroying them will be effective.
Peace must be reached by Colombians, but not by surrendering the Republic, all the contrary, by attacking until there’s not a single gorilla left. They must surrender and give up their fight. This won’t come easy, but the fight must go on until the dream of peace in Colombia becomes reachable. Colombia will never fall into the hands of the extreme left or even a socialist government because Colombians despise communism and anything the looks like it. In other words, Colombians want peace and FARC AND ELN are the ones standing in the way of it, so they must be destroyed. People like the former Senator Piedad Cordoba, must be unwelcomed in any country where she goes to expose her FARC propaganda because she is an ally of terrorism. She is an agent of terror and she is only benefiting herself, because there’s no benefit for Colombia in her ideology. You can’t talk about peace when you clearly support those who destroy and kill your own people with no mercy.
Finally, I hope one day Colombia makes peace a reachable objective, but first we have to take care of those obstacles which make peace an unreachable dream.
Cristhian Mancera Mejia
La Tribunacolus