9 oct 2011

Steve Jobs, a man to remember

On the Revolution of Ideas!

Steve Jobs is a name that means a lot to the world today. As we see him depart this world, we see how his work has influenced the whole world. Steve began his company when he was a young man filled with dreams and hopes. He decided to always work hard in achieving his goals. He created Apple in a garage and from then everything else is history. Jobs filled the world with innovating products that gave way to a revolution of information and how we interact with one another. Jobs created a new world and there’s no doubt the world will miss him. 

During his sickness Jobs continued to work proving that all you need in life is the determination and will to move forward. If you have the desire to move forward and achieve your dreams, nothing can stop you. Jobs was a true example of the American dream. He created a universe where everything seemed possible and where nothing seemed impossible. We at LaTribunacolus wanted to make a small tribute to this great man. A student of mine wrote an essay about Jobs before his death for a project we had on essay writing. She wrote about Jobs without thinking that weeks later he would die. Her name is Luciana Riscala, she wrote this short essay about Jobs and I wanted to share this with you.

“It is a pleasure to write about Steve Job’s life, the man who transformed a generation without age. I am talking about Applemania that involves people from all ages who are crazy about Apple. 
Steve Jobs never graduated from college. He was adopted at birth by people who never graduated from college as well. He dropped out from college, but he took calligraphy class, which later helped him to design the first Macintosh computer with a wonderful typography.

He started Apple in his parent’s garage and 10 years later Apple became a 2 billion dollar company with over 4000 employees. But when Apple grew, he hired someone who could run the company that he had started. One year later that same person with the board of directors fired Steve from his own company.

He never gave up. He still loved Apple and he decided to start again. He started other companies called Next and Pixar, and after Apple bought Next he returned to Apple and brought the technology from Next which is the heart of Apple’s current renaissance.

The lesson about his life is that sometimes life hits you in the head like a brick, and when this happens to you it is time to wake up to life again. He never lost faith. If you do something you love in life, you will feel very satisfied. Keep looking until you find the answers.

Nowadays, Apple is a big company and its symbol, an apple, is well known in the whole world. Some people tattooed the symbol on their body; some sold  their own vital organs to buy Apple products.

Finally, I learned with Jobs that it is never too late to start something in your life again.”

La Tribunacolus publishes Luciana’s thoughts on Jobs and also wants to pay tribute to this great man.
For us an idea can change the world. Our philosophy is based on good ideas, and that’s why we considered Jobs one of the greatest contributors to mankind. The revolution of ideas lives on through examples of life like Steve Jobs.

Cristhian Mancera Mejia


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