2 may 2011

Osama Bin Laden is down!

On the revolution of Ideas!

On Sunday May First, 2011 President Obama announced to the world that Osama Bin Laden had been killed in a compound located in Pakistan. Bin Laden had been hiding for some time in Pakistan in a luxurious home located in a well known neighborhood. According to President Obama, Osama Bin Laden was caught off guard by a group of navy seals who intercepted his home and proceeded to enter the compound looking for their target. This apparent victory comes only ten years after the 9/11 terrorists attacks, which caused the deaths of thousands. Billions of dollars were spent to pursue and hunt this man, and now this episode of American history is over. Osama Bin Laden is down!

Many reports argue that his body was cleaned and dumped into the ocean, but for some it is necessary to see the body in order to make this attack credible, or at least to call it a real victory.Some people have suggested that if he was killed, that some kind of footage must exist in order to know whether this is something accurate. Now, we know President Obama would not come out in public saying something unless it was true. Words can fly with the wind as fast as a speeding bullet, if there's no evidence to support what's being said. As a result, we at the Tribunacolus, as well as many Americans hope to see images of this vicious man being killed, or at least images of his body, to finally verify his death and  put an end to this horrifying story.

On the other hand, this comes at a great time for President Obama. His approval ratings had been going down dramatically and now  Bin Laden's death gave the American President a booster that may even get him reelected. Bin laden's death is the tip of the Iceberg, that was the main reason for going in to the Middle East,now its time to withdraw and begin a process of peace and cuts in military spending that could only mean less spending and a reduction in the deficit. The mission was accomplished and there shouldn't be any reason to maintain troops for a longer period than intended. Obama promised he would get the troops out, so in order to make Osama's death a real victory, his promises have to have a coherence between with what was said three years ago and what is happening now.

One of my students approached me after class and said, " I don't think Bin Laden is dead, it seems too perfect to be true. I think its all a scheme to get Obama reelected. Wheres the body? Why did they throw him into the ocean without reporters there? a few years back wasn't he a CIA agent? couldn't it have been a way of letting an old ally get away? it seems odd, doesn't it?" My student just drew his own conclusions and you can make yours,Although my student's conclusions are a bit strong , I believe everyone is entitled to make these assumptions until real evidence of his death is shown. When Saddam Hussein was killed footage of his death was shown immediately, so why so much mystery in this case? I guess it would help that footage of his body, or videos of his burial could be seen, so that nothing can put a shadow over such a victory.

Osama is down! We celebrate and join those who share the happiness for this achievement, but more evidence is needed to make it real and definite.

For Obama is a great victory to show, and to use politically in the next presidential campaign, but if he doesn't show footage of this achievement, a shadow of doubt will fall into this victory.It would be a shame if that happened since the whole world is happy that one less terrorist is walking around thinking who to kill next.

All in all we can ask the following question; What next? Is America going to put an end to the wars is leading around the world? That answer is in the hands of President Obama. I'm sure he knows that once you achieve your main objective there's no reason to maintain a conflict, unless the real objective hasn't been met. We think the objective was met and its time to bring those troops home. Nevertheless, the war is not over in terms of keeping a good eye over these terrorists organizations, so we hope as we said before in a prior article that any withdrawal is handled with intelligence and strategic measures so that we won't have any unpleasant surprises in the future.

Osama is down! Now its time to move forward and continue the fight against terror in another level. the main objective was achieved and now it's time to concentrate in America and its issues that are as critical as the war on terror.

Cristhian Mancera Mejia
La Tribunacolus

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